
  • Measurement technology (air & roller bearings)

    Air measurement for industrial fans.

The efficiency analysis includes the determination of the actual condition of air handling plants and systems. We carry out air and electro-technical measurements on your fans and filter systems in order to provide you with a better overview of the operating status by means of a protocol

Our measuring services for the filter system essentially consist of:

  • Volume flow measurement
  • Pressure measurement SS, DS
  • Measurement of current consumption
  • Medium temperature (general e.g. also bearings, motors etc.)
  • Speed
  • Protocol creation
  • Client consulting

The efficiency, increased service life of your production can only be ensured by regular measurement and maintenance from the bearings of your industrial fans.
You will receive detailed documentation and diagnosis of your systems from us.

OIS Ornetsmüller Industrie Service | A-4920 Schildorn | Gewerbepark 1
Tel.: +43 (0)676 - 340 91 46 | office(AT)